Monday, July 13, 2009

The "Who gives a damn" Post

Yes people do have good friends, and yes I'm sure cool stuff happens every so often where you announce on facebook "I'm going to Athens!" or "I saw Brad Pitt" or even "Just read The Count of Monte Cristo totally cool book!" Posting this stuff on facebook, alrite fine.

But when I start seeing people link their blackberry/iphone to facebook just so they can post "uh.. ate too much, have food coma" at the exact moment they feel the "food coma"..

It's like: "uh.. who gives a damn? do we need a news flash on your bodily update every few hours?" i have to cut through your BS to get to friends who actually have something worthwhile reading.

Then it makes you wonder: Either (A) the person has tons of friends who actually care, or (B) is so desperately lonely that they feel the need to broadcast these things to feel like they have friends and are not alone.

If it WAS really case A, you can bet they won't be for long, after all their "facebook friends" start to use the block feature to cut out the BS..

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Building Wealth

It's tough to build wealth starting from nothing. really tough. I'd consider myself more fortunate than most, but unexpected things in life happen, and you can't let the beyond-your-control expenses here and there get you down : /

otherwise you'd be really unhappy.. or go insane

Saturday, July 11, 2009


First Post. Some people like to make this symbolic or start with some kind of "life changing" comment. Here is mine:

I made soup just now.

Pork and Lotus simmered for 6 hours so all the flavor has time to marinate into each other. What are we if we can't hold onto the skills we developed and achieved success with? Moved away, study for an exam full time, changed careers, and now I can finally go back to basics..